Rabu, 21 September 2011

Cervical Cancer Cervix Cancer Causes Prevention Feature Feature

Cervical Cancer Cervix Cancer Causes Prevention Feature Feature
Here is information about Cervical Cancer Cervical Cancer Causes Prevention characteristic feature.

What is cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer is also commonly known as cervical cancer. Cervix is ​​located at the lowest position of the uterus wanita.Sebagian large uterus is located in the pelvis, but part of the cervix is ​​located in the vagina, where it connects the uterus with the vagina.

Cervical cancer occurs when cells of the cervix change in a way that leads to abnormal growth and invasion of other tissues or organs. As with all cancers in general, cervical cancer is much more likely to be cured if detected early and treated promptly.

As in many cancers, you may not have signs or symptoms of cervical cancer after finally expanded to a dangerous stage.
Cervical Cancer
Cause of Cervical Cancer
Human papilloma virus or HPV is the primary cause of cervical cancer. There are different types of HPV. But there are other types of HPV that are considered 'high risk' for cervical cancer. HPV is derived from person to person through sexual contact.

Women who get cervical cancer has experienced a previous infection by the HPV virus. High-risk HPV types can cause changes in the cells covering the cervix which makes them more likely to become cancerous in time. But most women who are infected with this virus is NOT affected by cervical cancer. So other factors must also be diperlukan.Lain risk

Women who smoke are more likely to get cervical cancer than those who do not. The pill can increase a woman's risk of cervical cancer. It is unclear why this is. Women with weakened immune systems are also more likely to get cervical cancer, as well as those who have had children in large numbers.

The characteristics of cervical cancer

In the early stages, signs of cervical cancer symptoms are rarely obvious. Undergo regular Pap smears can detect early abnormal cervical changes that can cause cervical cancer if left untreated. Routine Pap smears are key to early detection of early cervical changes and cervical cancer.

[Pap smear test is a screening test to examine changes in cells of your cervix which may develop into cancer later. This is a fairly simple procedure in which sample cells are collected from your cervix and sent to a lab for analysis. This test takes only a few minutes and can be performed by a nurse or doctor.]

When cervical cancer progresses, the symptoms begin to appear. Signs and characteristic feature of cervical cancer / cervical cancer include:

* Abnormal vaginal bleeding, including post-coital bleeding
* Pain during intercourse
* Pain in the pelvis
* Vaginal pain / weight.
It felt like the increased volume of vaginal fluid. It may also be a symptom of cervical cancer. Fluid may be foul smelling, watery, thick, or contain mucus. These conditions vary in every woman. It is important to report any symptoms of abnormal vaginal discharge to your doctor.
* Pain during urination.
Bladder pain or pain during urination can be symptoms of advanced cervical cancer. Symptoms of uterine cancer usually occurs when the cancer has spread to the bladder.

How to reduce, prevent your risk of cervical cancer?
Stages of prevention and ways to prevent it.

* Perform regular Pap smear tests. Pap smear may be the greatest defense for cervical cancer. Pap smears can detect early cervical changes before they turn into cancer. Consultation with your doctor how many times should you do a pap smear test.

* Limit number of sexual partners you have. Studies show women who have many sexual partners increase their risk for cervical cancer. Akrivitas It also increases their risk of developing HPV virus.

* Stop smoking or (avoid secondhand smoke whenever possible). Smoking increases the risk of cancer, including cervical cancer. Smoking activity combined with HPV infection can actually accelerate cervical dysplasia. The best step is to get rid of this habit.

* If you are sexually active, at least use a condom. Having sex without a condom puts you at risk for HIV and other STDs can increase the risk factor for developing cervical cancer.

* Get the HPV vaccine. If you are under 27, you may be entitled to receive the HPV vaccine, which prevents high-risk HPV in women. HPV vaccine, Gardasil, was approved by the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) to be given to young girls age 9. The vaccine is most effective when given to young women before they become sexually active.

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